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  • Most Common Sri Lanka Job Interview Questions with Answers

Most Common Sri Lanka Job Interview Questions with Answers

Are you feeling nervous due to your job interview? Take a deep breath. There is no need to feel overwhelmed when I’m here to tell you how to answer common interview questions in the right manner.

most common job interview questions

Introduce Yourself

The best way to answer the question is by telling a story.

When you introduce yourself and answer the introduction question, it’s important to make sure that you’re having fun while you speak. This is an easy way to show your personality and to keep the conversation going.

1. "I am a marketing coordinator for X Corporation"

2. "I am an international student currently studying at X University."

3. "My name is Maria and I'm working at Greenpeace."

What Motivates You?

In the job market, how to answer what motivates you questions is crucial for your success. It gives you an advantage over other candidates, who might not be so thorough before answering. Let’s learn how to answer these common interview questions by following some steps below.

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In an interview, you are likely to be asked questions like what makes you a good candidate, what your job is and what motivates you. Asking these questions head on can help the interviewer get insight into your personality, values and passions.

What motivates me: I love seeing the smile on my client's face when they're happy with their work. I love watching them achieve their goals -- even if it takes more than just one session!

As this article explains, in order to answer motivation questions like "what makes you a good candidate," start by brainstorming about which personal traits are most important to you. Are they integrity? Honesty? A sense of purpose? Then there are the values that speak to why these traits matter: having empathy for others, believing in productivity, etc.

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Tell Us About Your Work Experience

On a job interview, it is imperative that you know how to answer questions about your work experience. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you on your next job interview.

- Tell me about the last three big projects you worked on?

- What was the most challenging project or assignment you have done in the past?

- How did that make you feel?

Example:I have worked in the food industry for over two years now. I started as an assistant where I did clerical tasks and then became a waitress before being promoted to an assistant manager position. My main responsibility as assistant manager was coordinating the restaurant's social media accounts, marketing and customer service among other things. In addition to this I was also required to learn how to cook so that I could be a part of our kitchen team and cook meals for customers when they come in during the day.

What do you know about our company?

If you're asked this question in a job interview, you must be prepared with a smart and well-thought answer to it. In order to answer this question properly, one should come up with an appropriate response before the interview starts. For example:


 I am familiar with your products and services, I have seen them on various websites and read articles about them. I'm sure that if I join your company, my work will be challenging but exciting at the same time.

If you need someone who can work with both small teams or large teams efficiently then I believe my skills would be perfect

sri lanka job interview questions

Why did you leave your job?

Make sure you have a good story to tell. So no matter if they ask you why you left the last Job or your previous company, make sure there is a good story behind it.

- Remember the skills and personality traits that attracted the interviewer to you in the first place. Focus on those because they will be more interesting and relatable for them.

- Keep your answer concise, but not too brief!

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There are several reasons why people leave their previous jobs. You should be able to know how to answer Why you left your last Job interview questions.

The interviewer is likely to ask you about the decision and the main reason is that there's a lot of pressure on them to get a good ranking or get more money. Sometimes it's just because they're sick of working for one company and want to try something new.

Do you have any questions for me?

Asking a question in an interview is a good way to break the ice and make conversation. At the same time, it’s also one of the most dreaded questions you might be asked during your interview process.- Think of a question that will help you assess their personality and knowledge. For example, "What are your thoughts on" or "I'm curious about how much experience you have with " - The best way to handle this type of question is silence. Don't try to come up with an answer right away. This will give them an opportunity to speak up and provide some information - If they ask if there's anything else, try asking them another question like  What makes a person successful in this role?

Wrap Up

You need to prepare answers for common questions. Yes, there will be some job specific questions as well. But since you are capable, you can handle surprise job related questions. To decrease interview pressure, you should prepare answers for common questions first.


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